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decorating your small sissy dick - immeganlive x melody fire

I m used to laugh at your little wee-wee, but today, my friend came over and I HAD to show her how pathetic and small your dick is! She was amazed how tiny it was and how small your balls were too!!! To top this up, you are a fast cummer lol! So we decided to decorate your little sissy thing before making you cum. I purchased a midget condom to put over your cock and even that was too big to fit!!! Can you imagine ahahah! We even added a cute little bow tie to your sissy penis before stroking you with the tip of our fingers and giving you a cum countdown! This is your lucky day, you get to shoot your 2-3 drops! LOL! Featuring MelodyFire.
Tags : bitch, mistress, non-nude, femdom, dirty-talk, sissy, big-boobs, domme, countdown, wanker, pathetic, looser, sph, embarrassment, female-domination, masturbation-encouragement, small-dicks

  • 00:07:29
  • Dec 23, 2021
  • 61


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