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stepdad gets caught in action

Kira and her best friend Molly are hanging out in bed bored on their phones. Kira is curious to ask her a question. She decides to ask her why they have never kissed before. Her friend is taken back at first by the question. She tells Kira that they are best friends and that’s why it has never happened. But, after a few moments, they begin to kiss, and it escalates to them playing around with each other. Thing is, they have no clue that Stepdad Peter is watching them from outside. He has brought down his shorts and is jerking while watching them. But, within a few minutes, he gets caught, leaving behind his shorts full of cum. Both Kira and Molly confront him about it. Kira notices how big his cock is and convinces Molly to join her to suck it. At first she hesitates, but decides to join Kira and both go on a wild session of banging.

  • 00:58:39
  • Dec 03, 2023
  • 814


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