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such an ass for such a macho man...

Pretty Susy is with her boring boyfriend Terry at home. He is having a and watching telly. Since she is reading a magazine, he starts complaining that he cant see the screen, so Susi tries to calm him down and by being very sweet, she convinces him to better have sex than watching matches on TV! The blowjob she does to him is great; he gets hot and hotter and starts to really enjoy. Then he becomes wild and fucks her in the living room quite a rude way. Her heavenly ass drives him crazy! Now, the scene we are filming is much better than boring TV-programs, and you can enjoy with us the fucking wild style of a very sexy couple. The scene doesn t miss a single detail. Watch yourself!
Tags : teen, fucking, latina, babe, brunette, young, whore, horny, hardsex, salope, big-tits, puta, round-ass, pute, fake-boobs, young-old, perfect-body, tetas-grandes, susy-gala, terry-kemaco

  • 00:27:04
  • Sep 11, 2020
  • 49


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