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edging with emma heart - jerk off instructions

Are you having a premature ejaculation problem? Don t be embarrassed because Emma wants to help you by showing you all about edging. You will get close to an orgasm, but then you will hold back. Trust Emma. She is a professional, after all. Start by slowly stroking your dick as you think about something that gets your dick hard. Pick up your pace till you feel like you are close to cumming. You focus on Emma s sexy tits as she directs your jerk session. You are getting closer, closer! Now stop!! Don t let it out! Are things under control now? You are doing great, so she exposes her juicy titties. Again Emma helps you to stroke till you are close to cumming on her big tits. Are you close? Okay, now stop! Good. Do you like a big butt? That is a good thing because Emma has a fine ass that is now on display for your wanking pleasure. Keep stroking, keep stroking. You are getting closer and Emma is pleased with your progress. Normally you would have cum by now, but Emma helps you to maintai

  • 00:07:20
  • Nov 22, 2023
  • 92


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