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i brought home a stripper (with emily austin) - joi

Emily is a sexy stripper that you brought back from the strip club. She is pretty and you wanted her all to yourself. Your home is more private than the back room at the strip club. She is tall and pretty and she has a great body. Her titties are all-natural and perky, an uncommon thing for a stripper. Emily asks you to stroke your cock for her because she does not want to do it for you. That is not part of your deal with her, but she is quite willing to tell you how to work that dick. She turns around and backs up onto your lap and she tells you that she can feel your dick growing harder and harder. You wish you could slap your cock on her boobs, but you cannot do that. Maybe you would like to see her ass? Emily turns around and takes off her bikini bottoms and she is now totally naked. There is no way she could get away with THIS at the club, so you are glad she is home with you. She is on the floor of your bedroom telling you how to handle your own dick. You would really love to fuc

  • 00:07:26
  • Nov 23, 2023
  • 112


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