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three playful girls bathe in their pee

Quickly they agree, giggling. Yara is to be the first to donate her delicious golden shower. Flora and Medea are cheerful and full of anticipation. Standing up, the first gush comes out of Yara. Medea has placed herself directly between Yara s legs so as not to waste a drop. She enjoys how the warm liquid pours over her plump breasts.
So the butt-naked and funny goings-on continue. The young women pleasure each other and kiss intimately. Medea and Yara donate enormous amounts of piss, Flora enjoys herself ensures that the two have a lot of fun. She stimulates them both at the same time as they sit next to her, with pee squirting around. In the process, the three wonderful pairs of breasts jiggle back and forth heavenly.
The girls just rub themselves in the warm and wet liquid. At some point they all sit down together so that they can even piss on each other s already wet pussies.
The peak of the game follows when they use the pool as a paddling pool and pull each other through

  • 00:21:20
  • Nov 18, 2023
  • 503


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