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fanatical cock worshipping size queen whore amanda ryder used well

So I go to drop her off but she wanted to smoke. Of course I said yes, I m smoker too. When we get in the door her husband is all ready with the camera. Come to find out later she had texted him on the drive back home. Second I seen the camera I knew what was up. He told us dont mind the camera, that he just wanted a lil bts of us smoking a couple bowls. I had no idea that she wanted to fuck. Of course I was game for that, nothing better than a lil sport fucking to end the day
I had never been to her house before and was surprised at how many lights she had scattered thru the house. She said that we were in the part of the house dedicated to shooting. Could have fooled me, as everything was there. kitchen, living room, the whole 9.
Any way she drags me to the room, tells me its Black Cock Appreciation Day and to lay back and let her worship me like the Black King that I am, or should Worship me as The King Of Cocks. WOW. I never heard that one before.
Tags : interracial, slut,

  • 00:50:59
  • Sep 24, 2019
  • 138


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