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masturbation session with stepmom caroline pierce - joi

You have been caught by your step mother in your step-sister s bedroom. You are holding your step-sister s dirty panties. You fear the very worst, but your step-mommie surprises you with her reaction. Do you think that you might be able to control your nasty urges? Perhaps step-mommie can help. Why don t you just masturbate instead? It is a very therapeutic activity, so grab a hold of your dick and start working it right now. Step mommie Caroline will walk you through your first session. Your technique is flawless from years of practice, but it is exciting to do this in front of a real woman. When she removes her bra, you are shocked to see that her nipples are pierced! You also now notice a tattoo on her thigh. Now you wonder what other surprises she might soon share with you. Step mommie Caroline asks you to step up the pace of your strokes and she then lowers her skirt. She is wearing black lace panties and she sees that you are getting ready to cum. She removes her panties and sniffs them before offering you a sniff. You see she also is pierced on her pussy and you feel that you will soon cum nice and hard. Step mommie Caroline is extremely excited with your fat load and she suggests that this incident will not be shared with anyone else.

  • 00:11:16
  • Nov 30, 2023
  • 128


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