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jacking it for a thirsty milf (with claudia valentine) - joi

Tattooed step-mom Claudia slinks into your room and it looks like she has something devious in mind as you are waiting for her step-son. You have always had a thing for sexy MILFs and cougars. Clearly, she has a thing for young men like you. You are the same age as her step-son and she is ready to pounce on you. Can you make thirsty Claudia feel like a woman today? She tells you to pull out your dick as her titties peek out of her barely there bra. You start stroking yourself for this lonely MILF as she strips for you and tells you how to work your dick. It seems that this slutty older woman has done this before, but you are happy to learn from her experience. Her dirty talk is on point and you hope that you don’t pop before she is ready for you.

Starring Claudia Valentine

  • 00:06:47
  • Dec 20, 2023
  • 53


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