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lola learns to change your messy diaper 1st time

Your step-mom Diaperperv needs to leave for a weekend so she s going to train your step-sister, Lola Leda, on how to diaper check, diaper change and take care of you! Lola has no clue what s going on & is totally not on board; she s not hiding how she feels about the situation. First she gives you your sippy cup. Then diaper checks but it s your messing time! She has to watch you totally grunt & fill the back of your diaper noisily & she looks on with horror and shock. Now, it s time for Lola to change you, but first she must extract the stickies out of you into your wet & messy diaper first. OMG, the look of disgust on her face! You cum good & now it s time for her to open your diaper, wipe and change you! Wow, it s quite the dramatic production from Lola as D-Perv talks her through it. At the end, when Lola is alone with you, she tells you she s not going to be nice... leaving you in your messy diaper for hours, so mean!

  • 00:15:39
  • Nov 23, 2023
  • 108


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