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stepmommy s breakfast jerk off instruction

Your busty blonde stepmommy has been busy this morning making your favorite breakfast, and she is ready to serve you when you arrive in the kitchen to find her topless in underwear only, wearing a pretty flowered apron on top of her big, fake tits. You get an instant hard-on when you see her MILFalicious curves, and she notices immediately. Fortunately for you, your stepmommy is a little naughty, and she is happy to help you cum so you can get on with your day. She shows you just how to stroke your cock and even takes out her boobs so you can get a good look while you stroke. When she is ready for you to cum, stepmommy counts you down from ten to one, and has you cum for her as she watches. When stepmommy is done with helping you jerk off, she gets to work serving you up your favorite breakfast so you can have a great day...

  • 00:09:04
  • Oct 04, 2023
  • 94


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