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spying on stepmom

Venus Vixen was telling her boyfriend Ethan Seeks about her stepmom Lolly Dames masturbation techniques. Ethan didn’t believe a word he had to see for himself. They sneaked behind the house and were spying on Lolly doing yoga. As soon as she finished yoga, she grabbed a giant dildo from the drawer and attached it to the chair. Ethan couldn’t believe his eyes. This was was so hot. Lolly started to ride the dildo and Ethan started to jack off. When Venus noticed what he was doing he couldn’t stop and shot his load against the window. Lolly heard the commotion and came out to find Ethan with his dick out and a giant squirt of cum on her window. To teach them a lesson on not spying Lolly decided to fuck Ethan. She had to cum anyway. Venus was upset but what else could she do but join in. So the three of them fucked and sucked like there was no tomorrow. After tons of fucking Ethan shot his 2nd load into the girls faces.

  • 00:49:39
  • Nov 06, 2023
  • 1652


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