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helena price - i give lucy power her 1st bbc sucking gloryhole experience!!! pt1

What can I say. I changing all these hotwives lives one big black cock at a time. This time around Lucy from Australia is a hotwife visiting the state on vacation with her husband. She s an exhibitionist wife and her husband loves to watch her doing all kinds of nasty things. So of course when she contacted me I was so excited to give her the Helena Price Experience! My plan was to get three tested BIG BLACK COCKS to meet up at a local gloryhole. Lucy does not know this of course since its a big surprise for her and for her husband to watch later. What will the surprise be? Shes going to suck three different black cocks as one big thick black dick after another pops out through the gloryhole! This is new for her since she never done anything like this without her husband! As soon as we get to the adult theater we are followed around. Lucy noticed at least 10 different guys hovering around in the background, a couple of them jerking off in the shadows waiting and watching. My husband wa

  • 00:16:17
  • Oct 02, 2024
  • 137


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