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breaking me?! (part 12)

His obsession for having me in this position, lead me to making a demand for my last Breaking me session:

For the ending of this series, I wanted him to fuck my brains out in this position he loved so much! As hot as the teasing and edging was in my soles up, legs wide open, pussy totally helpless position, it was time for me to get rewarded for agreeing to be such a good girl!

I wanted every inch of him so deep inside that I d feel him in my tummy, and I wanted to be fucked so good that I d run the risk of losing my voice! (Something he almost actually accomplished...)

As you re about to see, I got EXACTLY what I requested!

It s actually kinda hard to put words to this one for you guys. This was so raw, so passionate and so vulnerable as a bondage experience for me, that you just need to watch and listen. I say listen on purpose, because the sounds that come out of both of us gave me goosebumps when I watched it back...

Normally I d say To Be Co

  • 00:20:54
  • Sep 12, 2024
  • 37


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