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double kisses feat astrodomina & jasmine mendez

Do you think you can handle both of our kisses? I think by the end of this you re going to become our love sick shopping slut!

Goddess Sydney and Jasmine Mendez know you re completely weak for their lips. They came here today to seduce you and turn you into nothing more than a pile a love addicted mush and they plan on doing it with their kisses! You ll never survive the pure barrage of kisses they have in store for you, just focus on their plump, juicy lips as the plant one after another all over your face. You can t deny how good it feels as you sink deeper and deeper in love with them and their lips.

They laugh at just how easy it is to turn you into their love slave. They can see you melting right in front of them but they re not going to stop. They kiss you over and over and over as you slowly become more their devoted servant. How does that feel? Well, now if you want to follow them, they re going to go shopping and they want to spend your money doing it! How can y

  • 00:07:13
  • Sep 03, 2024
  • 140


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