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femdom urethral sounding and cumshot on birthday cupcake for submissive

DaddyRed gives her pathetic sissy sub BUG the best birthday party ever. After blowing out the Birthday candle she demands he turn over on to his back and then you see her pull out a urethral sounding kit. She lubes up the metal rods before sliding them down inside Bugs pisshole, slowly going down further and further until he can feel it deep inside his body. Not allowing him to cum just yet, she pulls the rod out just in time. She then makes Bug masterbate in front of her while she teases his nipples and face. As Bug is about to cum she pulls out his Birthday cupcake (which she baked from scratch) and Bug shoots his hot cummy load all over the cupcake. She slowly brings the fresh cummy cupcake up to her submissives mouth before feeding him his birthday treat.

  • 00:14:36
  • Aug 28, 2024
  • 43


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