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real life futanari - lovita fate suck and fucked with her new friend ladyboy baby

Lovita Fate is the new girl in town, and she’s extremely lonely. Luckily, Marie Berger is kind enough to invite her and share a few drinks, after all, Lovita is a beautiful girl. Still, she feels as if she can’t get enough guys, she’s so horny, and there’s no one to fuck her.
If only she was as beautiful as Marie, she thinks she would get all the cock she would want. Marie assures her that she’s a beautiful girl. However even though Lovita finds her super fun and sexy, she’s not into women unfortunately.
No worries though, our beautiful Marie has a surprise for Lovita. She whips out her meaty cock, which Lovita can’t take her eyes off. It’s her lucky day, and considering such a massive tool is attached to such a pretty babe, Lovita is more than excited.
Marie leans in for a kiss that turns into pure passion. Lovita’s shirt goes off, and she reveals her perky tits. Marie’s hand goes down Lovita’s jeans shorts, so she can play with that soaking wet pussy. And no surprise, after

  • 00:10:51
  • Mar 21, 2023
  • 89


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