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a spanking from stepmom

Violet is in college, and her stepmom, Tiffany, has been paying a HUGE tuition bill every semester. So, when she gets a call from Violet s dean telling her that her stepdaughter s grades are slipping, Tiffany is ENRAGED. She storms into her stepdaughter s room to find Violet playing on her phone, which Tiffany has to pry away from her so they can talk. Tiffany asks what is going on, and tries to talk first, but Violet has no interest in listening to her stepmom, so Tiffany takes Violet over her knee to get her attention with a good, hard OTK spanking. Violet can t believe her stepmom is treating her this way, but she can t get free because Tiffany locks her legs around her stepdaughter so she can get in some really good spanks. Tiffany pulls down Violet s shorts to reveal a nicely red ass from her spanking, and she makes sure to spank Violet s bare ass to be sure her stepdaughter ge

  • 00:07:49
  • Jan 09, 2024
  • 36


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