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italian girl farts wearing her new very tight jeans

I sigh, adjusting my jeans that seem to be a little tighter than usual. Maybe I overdid it with the pizza last night. I feel a rumbling coming from my belly and I blush, hoping no one will notice. I bite my lip, trying to hold it in, but the pressure builds.
“Sorry,” I whisper, getting up from my chair and heading for the bathroom. As soon as I close the door, a sigh of relief, mixed with an embarrassing sound, fills the room. I shake my head, smiling to myself. At least I’m alone!
I walk back to the computer, hoping the air will be a little more well now. But I hear that familiar rumbling again. Oh no, not again! I try to focus on what’s on the computer, but my belly has other plans. I clench my fists, trying to resist, but it’s a losing battle.
Another soft sound escapes me, I continue to fart… my belly is really huge!

Sospiro, sistemandomi i jeans che sembrano stringermi un po più del solito. Forse ho esagerato con la pizza ieri sera. Sento un brontolio provenire da

  • 00:13:59
  • Aug 13, 2024
  • 26


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