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the sole buffet! (part 3)

Just when I thought having my feet tickled couldn t get more erotically frustrating... It s amazing what a little shift in my bonds can do! ??

Myles now has me tied with my legs wide apart, and I ve got a feeling he plans to tease my helpless kitty for as long as he wishes...

And tease he does! Edge is actually more like it!! Edging my throbbing, desperate clit and continuing his sensual exploration of my defenceless body with erotic tickles and licks, while all I can do is quiver and moan in my bonds for him!

He s also placed the camera right at my soles, so you can watch them scrunch for you - My toes curling in desperate euphoria for you! As I m methodically broken down into a bubbly, horny mess!

He breaks out the vibrator, wanting to edge me as much as he can, but, overwhelmed by my own pleasure, I suddenly break into orgasm!! Between the combination of pleasure and tickling, my body was just too overwhelmed by it all!! ??

*5 minutes later:

  • 00:15:57
  • Apr 22, 2024
  • 39


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