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the rubberdoll maid serves his smoking mistress

The mistress is waiting in her latex catsuit and tightly laced latex corset in the treatment room of her clinic. She calls her rubberdoll maid over and has her hot ultra high high heel boots laced up. So desirable long, shiny black legs with br..htaking shiny black tight-laced boots. The rubber doll is crazy about its mistress, but a look at the key that the latex mistress wears around her neck shows who is in whose hand. The maid is locked in her chastity cage and only her mistress has authority over it. It humbly serves its mistress and fulfills her every wish. The maid is tied with a gag and has to act as an ashtray for her divine latex mistress. She happily puffs on her cigarette and enjoys taking the ... away from the latex toy kneeling in front of her with a very special collar. Will the maid still fulfill her duty? Then the latex mistress puts on her big, bright red strap-on and as a thank you for good service, the rubber doll can enjoy being close to its mistress once again. Bu

  • 00:21:19
  • Apr 16, 2024
  • 224


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