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double gagged for insurance - candle boxxx & star nine stuffed gag talking bondage damsel

Candle Boxxx asked Star Nine to bring rope and duct tape so she can be found as a bound damsel in distress. She ll claim she was robbed and do an insurance claim. Star s hesitant but agrees to put her in rope bondage around her waist, wrists, and ankles. Star uses her long red nails to shove in a big pair of panties for a panty stuffing gag with duct tape. Candle s big mouth needs multiple strips of silver tape and she complains about the tight bondage and panty packing gag. Bound and gagged, Candle isn t sure it needs to be so realistic and is embarrassed when Star strips her skirt like a real burglar would and adds an over the mouth silk gag.

Candle rambles through her mouth stuffed gag and stomps her classic black pumps in frustration because her other friend is not on time. When he finally knocks, he can t hear her through the gag talking mmmphs.

Star returns and is surprised to see Candle still gagged and bound. She slowly removes the rope but procrastinates on the g

  • 00:19:29
  • Mar 15, 2024
  • 82


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