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stroke for our patient s tiny penis [bi/gay cum with me]

Yesterday, you walked in on Doctor Sage doing something VERY inappropriate with a patient. Instead of freaking out or telling on her, you simply watched. As you watched, you got an erection.
Now Doctor Sage is curious about something: would you (one of her male nurses) like to join in next time? The patient will be returning next week. What was it that turned you on so much? Was it the patient s small, hairless little dick? She really liked it, too.
You re getting hard just from Dr. Sage talking about it. Would you like to take turns sucking the patient s little cock? You could both get into a LOT of trouble over this. But you re SO hard right now. The more she talks about it, the harder you get.
Sage tells you to take it out and show you. You have a nice BIG dick. The contrast between your BIG dick and the patient s small, hairless little dick is alluring. Dr. Sage wants to watch you masturbate. As you stroke, Sage talks about sharing the patient s little cock with you.

  • 00:17:17
  • Jan 19, 2024
  • 46


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