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helping my step father cum (with kacie castle) - joi

It seems that Kacie sent you some pervy texts the other day and she wants to talk to you about them. You are just her step father, so she does not see a problem in her sending them to you. She did send them to you intentionally, she confesses. Kacie just wanted you to see what she has to offer. How did it make you feel? She suspects that you feel the same way about her as she feels about you and she suggest that you might be able to show her how you feel. You have to do it quickly, though, before her step-mother gets home from the store. Kacie looks at you through her sexy eye glasses as you take your cock in your hand. Finally she shows you her tiny titties as she asks you to squeeze your balls. She asks you to squeeze your cock very hard just like her tight pussy would clamp around it. You cannot last much longer because your sexy step-daughter seems to know just how to get to you. Her soft moans and then her soft hand on your balls is just what you needed to blow your load.

  • 00:06:35
  • Jan 09, 2024
  • 90


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