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i took dre strongs huge cock for the first time & he uses my tight hole to pump full of hot cum??

So leading up to meeting Dre Strong I never really paid attention to how truly massive his cock was. So we decided to use Lupe s studio room to meet and have sex finally.

After introducing our selves and chatting for a while, I could feel me panties getting wet when I would move my legs, so I decided it was time to take him to the bed and see what he was working with.

Oh My God, when I pulled his pants down, I was shocked by the shear size of his penis. The camera does not even do it justice. It s seriously hugeeee!!!!

It was so much fun trying to see how much I could fit in mouth and down my throat. I was gagging so hard on it, I made a sloppy mess all down his big balls!

Finally, it was time to slide it inside my soaking wet tight vagina! So I climbed on top and rub his head back and fourth across my clit and the opening of my vagina to get it all wet. I slide down on it slowly, biting lip intensely as it big cock slide inside inch by inch. I was so much

  • 00:20:05
  • Dec 09, 2023
  • 320


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