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real-time vore with pillcam capsule endoscopy

This is the weirdest and craziest video I ve ever recorded. I bought a medical PillCam with a micro camera that can film the condition of your stomach and digestive tract in real time. I m really excited because I ve never gone so far with my medical endoscopes. I m really excited and it shows! In the first piece of the video I tell you about this micro camera and the excitement I get from trying it. I show you what the chamber looks like and I put it inside a pill to better coat it so it doesn t get stuck in the intestinal tract for the next few hours. But you can clearly see it with its white and blue lettering. Then it s time to swallow it I put the pill in my mouth and take a big sip of water then I show you my mouth open with nothing left. It went down! I turn on the program and here you are a crazy real-time journey of my digestive tract. Gastric juices, water, pieces of food, pieces of fruit, it really is everything. And you are there too my little man. In the video I will alway

  • 00:42:48
  • Mar 20, 2023
  • 182


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