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public pantsing flashing war - immeganlive & milarose

I m live talking about my next video when my friend Mila wants to see if I can do this new challenge. I have to put my arms in my shirt, once I m stuck, she then pulls my pants and underwear down exposing my pussy! I m shocked & embarrassed. I can t even cover up so I ask her for help but instead she pulls my shirt up exposing my breast. I want to do the same to make her pay. I ask her to explain the next video we re gonna do. When she starts I pull her pants & underwear down to ankles exposing her bare ass and pussy. We continue to pull each other pants & underwear down trying to keep the other one from pulling them up. So we decide to have a pantsing & flashing war! The goal is to get the other’s pants & underwear down to ankles & expose tits. The one with the most points wins. To make it more challenging we have to do it publicly, with people around. At the end, the one with the most points wins. Watch till the end to see what happens to the loser. Over 50 Pa

  • 00:19:49
  • Nov 29, 2021
  • 190


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