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small penis encouragement with alison rey - joi

Your best friend Alison has noticed you are not quite yourself lately and she asks what your problem is. You confess that you are upset because you have a small penis and she asks to see it. You feel embarrassed and uncomfortable, but you show her. She suggests that you should jerk off a little to see just how much bigger it can get. Alison tells you that she enjoys watching you play with yourself and she asks if she can show you a little something. When she lets you see her small tits, your dick grows. It is still smaller than average, but Alison does not seem to mind. In fact, she calls your small penis cute. She then turns around to show off her pretty ass. Finally, though, she can no longer control herself and she begins playing with her pussy. You watch her diddling her huge labia and that sends you over the edge. You cum harder than you ever have before. Your huge load of cum pleases Alison and that makes you feel relieved.

  • 00:07:53
  • Oct 25, 2023
  • 83


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