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alisson gets straitjacket and diapered by nurse

PLEASE NOTE: The section where she got put into diapers was corrupt. so it goes Straitjacket & then she s BAM, in diapers!
Alisson is in her room & she somehow got a vibrator & is playing with it. Nurse Diaperperv comes in and catches her being naughty so it s straitjacket time again! With a straitjacket comes being diapered and it cuts straight into her being in an M4 medical diaper. She starts humping her pillow and the nurse catches her again so it s time to take her into the nursery room & she ll get totally restrained in a big cage! Alisson gets a locking diaper cover over her diapers, which are already wet. Segufix on her wrists & ankles so she can calm down; she s super grumpy about it the entire time. After some time out, Nurse takes off her diaper cover so she can make her cum with the vibrator. This video does NOT show Alissons face at all & is shot by her BF (yes, they re a real abdl couple). IT really focusses on the restraints an

  • 00:24:05
  • Nov 03, 2023
  • 239


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