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circus 69 with alexis crystal,foxies by vipissy

VIPissy presents Alexis Crystal,Foxies in Circus 69 . Foxies is relaxing on the couch when Alexis walks up to her with a thought in mind. She mentions to Foxies that she needs to pee so she asks her friend to sit still. Shoes and all, Alexis climbs onto the couch and drops her pants to her knees. She hooks her knees together and spreads her feet apart and drops a piss shower over Foxies knees. Now it s Foxies turn. Alexis is a feisty one, and she wants to make sure that Foxies gets the moment just right for her. After helping her prepare, she tightens her legs together to capture some piss in her feminine V junction. But Alexis is not a bossy type, more of a flirty suggester, and she allows Foxies to do her own thing as she leaves her ass open to whatever Foxies will do. The girls lick it up, 69 style and then Foxies drops to the floor with a toy spreading her open. Alexis makes it look effortless, aiming for Foxies gap before letting go and spraying her friend s face. Alexis is ju

  • 00:35:38
  • Oct 18, 2023
  • 653


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