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a new type of massage

Stephanie Love really needs a massage and lucky for her she has no other than Jay Bangher to help her release all of the pressure from all around her body. He lets her know there’s a new method that can really help her relax, a new scientific massage that requires him getting deep inside the vagina walls. She is first taken back a little by the idea, but if it can help her, why not? Jay gets deep inside and helps her relax. So much so, that she is now super horny and in the mood to get more than just a massage. He explains, he can help her, that it’s something only for preferred customers. So, with very little convincing, jay steps in and gives her exactly what she needs. He bangs her from all positions until he cums all over her face.

  • 00:53:24
  • Oct 15, 2023
  • 611


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