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anal obsessed asian secretary job interview - jesse thai

Today I have my first job interview! The position is for a personal assistant. I really want to make a good impression and I put on my sexiest outfit. I didn t wear a bra because I was worried the straps would show through the dress.

The interview started normally, but I couldn t concentrate. I just kept staring at the bulge in his pants. It was HUGE! Eventually, he understood what I needed and he fucked my ass. That was my plan all along. He fucked me really hard, first on the stool at my desk, then I rode him cowgirl, and finally doggy style and he went balls deep.

He splashed his cum all over my face. Mostly into my mouth, but I licked up whatever splattered around my lips. I think he eats a lot of fruit because it is very delicious. I really hope I get the job!

  • 00:32:03
  • Oct 07, 2023
  • 549


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