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can u give me drink? with antonia sainz,ariadna by vipissy

VIPissy presents Antonia Sainz,Ariadna in Can U Give Me Drink? . Stunning babe Antonia Sainz is in the kitchen cooking when she starts feeling a little naughty. Her gorgeous girlfriend Ariadna is sat at the kitchen table and in the background, Antonia fills a wine glass with her golden piss. She hands it over to Ariadna who thinks it is a glass of wine, and as she tastes it she realises what it is. That doesn t stop her enjoying her piss drinking and she stands up, towering over Antonia. She helps her strip out of her pinafore and then lifts her skirt to shower Antonia in golden piss as she sits on the kitchen floor. Antonia sits up on the counter, soaked in pee and then returns her golden showers to Ariadna, soaking her top through. Ariadna starts to lick Antonia s pee drenched pussy and once both girls are naked, Antonia helps Ariadna fill a glass of her warm piss before Antonia downs it. Using some kitchen tongs, Antonia gets her pussy gaped apart and aims another stream of her pis

  • 00:30:27
  • Oct 06, 2023
  • 326


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