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conclave of cleavage

Here’s a torrid trio to get your gonads going today! Top talents Sensual Jane and her 36DDs from Romania; Kora and her 36DDD/Es from Poland; and Shione Cooper and her 36DDs from the Czech Republic gather for a cleavage conclave of extraordinary excellence! Dressed as if for nightclubbing, the gals toast each other with drink and then get down to the main business of the scene, which is doing lots of things with their tits that WE’D like to do! The jugs are sucked in a kind of easy rotation as the girls take turns being the center of attention, playing with their snatches at the same time. Shione looks particularly sexy leaning over Jane and feeding her right nipple into her mouth while Kora rubs Jane’s pie. The girls get into a daisy chain with their bodies linked by licking tongues and probing fingers, and then at the end these lovelies lay across the floor in their Full HD video for a fantastic display of big natural boobs that you will study for many happy hours!

  • 00:33:05
  • Jun 18, 2013
  • 555


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