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new year s champagne inside eve!

Cum celebrate New Year’s with me, Eve Angel style! I got myself all dolled up for you in a satin purple dress with black belt cinched at the waist, black thigh high stockings, and pretty purple heels to complete the look. Oh and of course, I put my hair in curls for our special night, as well. As I strip for you, I get naughty thoughts playing with my belt. Oh the things I’m thinking you could do to me with it! A little spanking with it would be a great way to start off my new year! I rub myself under my g-string to get it soaked with my juices, but I’m not quite wet enough, so I bring out the bubbly. I pour it on the pearl beads around my neck and feel the liquid running down my chest, straight down to my trimmed pussy. Now I’m really wet, and I’m good and ready for some more champagne. So I grab the bottle and stick it inside my slick box and masturbate with it, taking myself to a rocking New Year’s orgasm. Now that’s what I call a very Happy New Year!

  • 00:21:28
  • Dec 30, 2012
  • 219


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