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floating gazongas: two british bombshells with big tits in the pool

Leanne Crow and her friend Delzangel are two British bombshells with gigantic hooters. Deizangel is a blonde Milf with blue eyes and a wonderfully shaved pussy. Her medium ass and hot body make her the jawdropper in the summertime. Today she enjoys herself in our DDF Network outdoor pool. She takes a nap on an airbed when her friend Leanne shows up and surprises her with a watergun. She cant wait to take her shirt off and get wet like her playmate!The brown-eyed glamour babe with black hair has two enormous hooters. Her colorful bikini can barely cover her voluptuous jugs and when she joins her blonde girlfriend in the pool, the four gazongas turn into floating airbags, protecting each other from water spritzers of their waterguns. The two British bombshells with big tits cant wait to take their tops off and show us those gigantic jugs.They take a break from this exhausting watergun battle and enjoy themselves floating on their airbeds in the swimming pool and out DSLR deliver Full H

  • 00:09:53
  • Oct 09, 2015
  • 408


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