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punishment for bad behavior!

Dont fuck with Vanessa! In todays kinky roleplay scenario, we see how the wily redhead does not like to be crossed, as brunette Kora discovers to her discomfort and humiliation. Kora thought everything was fine between them, that their dispute over a man had been amicably settled, but when she wakes up the next morning after falling into a deep slumber, she discovers that Vanessa does not forgive--she only gets even! Tied up in Vanessas garden, with little hooks giving her a pig nose look, Kora learns that she must not trespass on cocks that Vanessa considers hers!A little whipping by Vanessa drives this point home. And not just whipping on Kora s tits, but even on her face! Wow, Kora will not fuck with Vanessa again--if she ever gets out of this predicament! Kora strains at her bonds, but Vanessa will not let her go until the full measure of punishment is doled out. Kora is so embarrassed to be made to look so grotesque by the nose hooks! And Vanessa had seemed like such a good f

  • 00:18:56
  • Jun 20, 2012
  • 366


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