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what does adriana want?

Wow does Adriana ever look fetching as she poses outside! She looks like a real classy doll in her beautiful minidress and strappy heels. She has a warm sexy face, smiling as she lowers her lacy powder-blue panties until they puddle around her ankles. Then she takes out a big purple toy to slide inside her smoothly shaven pinkness. Looking at us with her clear green eyes she involuntarily reveals through her expressions how desire takes over her body. Clearly she needs to play with herself in front of us to get the big orgasm her cunny craves! If only we could put our tongues down on that pussy and lick up the lovely juices she stirs up with her toy. Or maybe she’d want a cock in her mouth while she finishes herself off with the vibe? What do you think? Check out her photos and decide for yourself!

  • 00:19:20
  • Oct 02, 2011
  • 189


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