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lost in translation

This week on can he score we brought in international mega hottie Aletta Ocean to the states to take on one of our lucky dudes for a blind date out of this world. Aletta Ocean is a Hungarian Porn star with an exotic look like no other, she has big tits and the face of an angel. but this sex powered Hungarian is Hungry for cock. Guage is a recently unemployed contract developer with a positive attitude and a subpar witty attitude, He claims he knows his way with the ladies and hasn t had a complain yet, but we ll see when we put him up to a real challenge when he goes on a blind date with Aletta Ocean can Guage come through and Feed this Hungarian what she needs or will he fail and go home with blue balls. check it out on this weeks Can He Score?

  • 00:00:00
  • Mar 12, 2009
  • 286


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