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sensual oil massage ends with hot sex and creampie

I had always dreamed of first being really sensually oiled and massaged and then being fucked nice and hard. And today is the day my dream comes true. I m lying on the bed and I can feel the slightly cold oil dripping onto my skin, first on my big plump ass, then on my tits and finally on my pussy. I close my eyes as you gently caress and massage my body. You rub and knead every inch of my skin until I m ready for what s to come next. I turn around and stretch my ass out towards you. You don t wait long and push it straight into my already dripping wet pussy. I love being taken doggy hard! I enjoy your hardness and every single thrust deep into my pussy. Lie down and let me ride you until you squirt deep inside me. Fuck, that s exactly what I ve wanted for so long!

  • 00:16:43
  • Oct 27, 2024
  • 39

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