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sock boy subjugation feat astrodomina

I have a soft spot for my foot boys and my sock boys. This time, you get to watch me parade in front of you and tease you with my feet and socks.

You get to hang out with your favorite Domme again. As a loyal foot boy, you can never escape those gorgeous feet and socks. Today Sydney has you on a cock leash. She wants to add a collar as well, before you can get rewarded. If you want some sock action, you better take it, and do what Sydney wants you to do. It s been a while since you ve been in the presence of Sydney and you ve missed those calves, and legs, and feet, and all you can think about is smelling those socks.

Your eyes are fixated on her feet. There is no way to hide your excitement. Sydney has you wrapped around all her body parts. And as long as you follow along with her, you will get your reward. Just make sure to do everything your Asian Sock Goddess says!

  • 00:15:53
  • Oct 28, 2024
  • 35

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