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casual day with my sissy girl feat astrodomina

Sometimes I just like to lounge around while being served.. have a look a the day in the life of one of my sissies!

Goddess Sydney is just having a lazy day with her sissy, having her clean and organize things and basically do whatever she wants, and she thought it would be fun to give you an intimate sneak peek into her life. She shows off her sissy and just how she has her dressed up, while the Goddess is wearing her own soft little one piece. She barks orders at her sissy slave who carries them out immediately without question. She s nothing but a drone for her Goddess.

But she s not perfect. She drops a pillow while cleaning up and Goddess Sydney wont have this! She makes her kneel down so she can spank her ass red. She will learn to carry out her orders to perfection. Of course, when she does perform as expected, she ll be rewarded by getting to kiss her Goddesses feet.

It s not going to be easy. There are a lot of chores to do, and Sydney loves to tease her s

  • 00:14:38
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • 39

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