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abdl diaper cumming with harlow west & jade janzten

You get home and your step-sis and her hot friend, Jade Janzten are sitting on the stairs waiting for you. Harlow West has the super fun job of having to make sure you re diapered because you started not only bedwetting, but day wetting your pants recently. They re college adults and you re even older than them. Harlow explains everything to Jade & jade is surprised. Times to go into the cute room to get padded up. Harlow is slightly annoyed and tells you to lie down on the floor so the girls can diaper you. So embarrassing as Jade not only watches, but also helps. Ughhh.... You need to pee but are embarrassed to say anything. They decide to play house & make you suck your thumb. Go crawl into the crib now! They notice your discomfort and both encourage you to go pee pee in your thick diapers which is now your toilet! They put their hands on it until you can t hold it and totally wet your diaper! They giggle at you... but their hands groping your diaper has made you rock hard a

  • 00:11:46
  • Nov 07, 2024
  • 47

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