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stretching out stepmom

My milfilicious stepmom Harlow Wilde shines in her very first taboo tale!

Part 1: Poolside Stretching and Fingering

My stepmom, Harlow, is stretching my the pool in her metallic purple thong bikini, and she wants some help. When I find her there, she asks me to help stretch her out more, and she clearly wants MORE than just a stretch. I guess stepdad has been neglecting her and she is extra horny! So, I agree to help her stretch since she looks hot in her swimsuit. My stepmom has me push open her legs and massage her ass, and she doesn t bat an eye when I pull her thong to the side to reveal her tight, shaved pussy. My stepmom wants more, however, and she gets on her knees so I can stretch her arms and neck, then pull her bikini top to the side to fondle her perky fake tits. She wants more leg stretching, so she sits in a straddle and takes off her bikini bottoms for optimal stretch position and I dip in a finger. My stepmom is wet, so I dip in another finger and w

  • 00:08:35
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • 72

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