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frustrated and fed up feat astrodomina

I think it s time for us to reevaluate this relationship. I think I need more than you can give.

Your girlfriend Sydney wants to have a serious talk. You see, she s at a cross roads. You re just not delivering like you used to in the boyfriend department, if you get her drift. She s a sexually voracious woman, and even though she s stuck with you this long, she just isn t getting satisfied by your useless dick. Yes, it s a lot to take in, but she thinks she has a solution.

You see, she doesn t really want to leave you outright, but she also can t go on not having her needs met. Do you know what cuckolding is? Well, she explains that it s where you get to stay and be her boyfriend, but she gets her sexual desires met by other men with much bigger cocks who know how to satisfy her. It s sort of like a poly relationship except you would stay completely devoted to her. She could come home after a hot date with a stud and tell you all about it while you get to know she s not

  • 00:05:54
  • Oct 25, 2024
  • 34

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