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kimberly allure & nicole scott horny masturbating werewolves

Kimberly Allure starts off this 2-part werewolf series. In her scene she is bitten by a wild creature of the night. She has no idea what bit her, all she does know, is she is feeling weird. She feels her body changing and her hormones racing. After changing into a werewolf, she satisfies her wild instinct the only way she knows how. That is by playing with her pussy to make herself cum and howl!

Nicole Scott also plays a werewolf in the 2nd part of this series. She is also bitten by a creature of the night and goes through the changes. With her hormones going just as crazy as Kimberly’s were. After Nicole Scott turns into a werewolf, she plays with her pussy making it all wet until she can’t help but to make herself howl and cum.

Tags: Blake Blaze, Blake Blaze Studios, Kimberly Allure, Nicole Scott, werewolf, Halloween, holiday, trick or treat, horror, hairy, hairy bush, hairy arms & legs, fantasy, supernatural, fetish, cosplay, pro-am, solo girl, finger fucking, ma

  • 00:14:30
  • Oct 24, 2024
  • 29

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