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evil nurses give bound patient cbt and electro stim treatment

Kino Payne is bound tightly in a straitjacket while laying prone on an operating table.Wrapped in full body bandages, with even his eyes wrapped over, only his mouth is exposed with a plastic dental gag. He is soon tended to be Nurse Elise and Nurse Lita. The deviant pair waste no time getting hands on with their patient - they hook his exposed cock and balls up to an electrical unit, and Nurse Elise turns the dial. They aren t quite getting the reaction they want, so Nurse Lita vibrates his balls with the Hitachi. He finally starts to squirm a bit, when they have the lovely idea to slide an electro sound. Soon he is groaning, moaning and completely helpless to their tormenting him with electricity and teasing his member - they begin to edge him more and more. Will he be granted release?

  • 00:34:26
  • Feb 05, 2023
  • 120


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