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last fuck before chastity

Boba Fettish is a local pornstar and he recently started flirting with Miss Sadie, a brunette bombshell dominatrix. He was under the impression that the attraction was mutual as she texted him to come over and have, what she said to be “the most meaningful sex of his life”. What he didn’t know is that it would be the LAST time he would ever have sex.

When he arrives he notices that Miss Sadie has her friend Miss Celine with her. Also standing in the corner, naked, is Sub Zero, another one of their submissives. Boba Fettish Notices that Sub Zero’s penis is locked up. But the thing that truly surprised him was standing on a stool in the middle of the room. A human shaped fleshlight. Unbeknownst to him, moments from now he will be instructed to fuck the fleshlight and shoot his last load…

Sub-Zero tries to warn him that it s a trap. Miss Sadie and Celine tell him to ignore the warning and instruct him to take off his clothes. Boba Fettish eagerly strips in order to prepare

  • 00:12:35
  • Sep 18, 2024
  • 53


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