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sucking the bully s dick - at my stepson s birthday party

This year for my stepson s birthday I came up with the best gift ever. I always invite all of his friend s over, and of course, treat them to everything a mother like myself has to offer. I am definitely the party favor. This year, though, I invite over my stepson s bully. No one (including the bully) knows why I invited him, but I had a master plan. If I showed the bully exactly what he could expect by being my stepson s friend, that I could finally end the torment. All of the other boys have their turns with me, and I save a special surprise for the bully as he goes last. I lead him into the room, and give him the sloppiest blowjob he s ever had. As he is about to cum, I stop and unveil my surprise. He gets to see me in my new white lingerie, NONE OF THE OTHER BOYS GOT TO SEE THAT. I then return to blowing him, all the while letting him know what he will miss out on if he continues to pick on my stepson.... ME. Eventually, after I build him up enough, he cums on my face.

  • 00:32:17
  • Aug 28, 2024
  • 232


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