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rampant realtors chapter 1: distracted office sluts martina smeraldi and emily pink share a strap on gp3084

Raven haired realtors Martina Smeraldi and Emily Pink are having a catch up with their boss, Emmanuel about the future of the business. The girls struggle to concentrate and can t keep their eyes off each other, and Emmanuel! He can sense that they aren t listening so heads out to make a coffee, leaving these naughty girls all alone. Martina and Emily discuss their boss and strip down to their contrasting lingerie while kissing passionately. They take turns to lick and finger each others pussies on the desk, then move over to the office couch where Emily dons a strap-on to fuck Martina s juicy pussy! She moves into her ass and then the girls switch places. Meanwhile, Emmanuel is in the room next door with two potential property clients when they hear moaning. Furious Emmanuel instructs Martina and Emily to get dressed, but what will happen when they are introduced to the clients?...

  • 00:43:01
  • Sep 04, 2024
  • 1827


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